Live Streaming and Video/Image Posting Guidelines for
Last Updated: Wednesday Jan 22 2025 17:00 GMT

Live Streaming and Video/Image Posting Guidelines for

Last Updated: Wednesday Jan 22 2025 17:00 GMT

Square Enix Co., Ltd (“Square Enix”) is delighted to hear that fans want to share videos and images of our games online.

While Square Enix would like to accommodate such requests, the images, videos, characters, music and all other media that make up our games are the intellectual property of Square Enix or its licensors, and therefore Square Enix has set out individual guidelines regarding the use of videos and other assets from each of its games on a title-by-title basis, in order to suitably maintain and protect the settings and stories of Square Enix’s games going forward.

Please adhere to the terms of these guidelines in relation to the use of videos, live streaming, and images (“Content”) of FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH or any demo for FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH (collectively, the “Game”).

*These guidelines shall not reduce or remove any obligations or limitations that you have or will have related to the Game.

[To whom do these guidelines apply?]

These guidelines apply to users outside Japan. If you are located in Japan, please see the Japanese license for terms that apply to you.

[Included Materials]

The items that can be used in accordance with these guidelines (the “Game Materials”) are as follows:

  • Fan kit(s) for the Game
  • The official website for the Game (as noted below) and any text, information, images and videos contained within that site, which is operated by Square Enix:
  • Any text displayed within the Game, screenshots taken from the game and videos captured from the Game
  • Tracks and music data used in the Game

[Excluded Materials]

  • The content contained within the Digital Artbook and Digital Mini Soundtrack of the Game contained within the Digital Contents Viewer.

[Types of Permitted Use]

(1) For those who receive payment or other rewards from a corporate body for streaming gameplay:

  • Use on social network services under a personal name.
  • Streaming of the Materials for use on video sharing sites (e.g. “YouTube”, “Twitch”) provided that such sites have been licensed by the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) for the use of music.

(2) For those who do not fall under (1) above:
Use of the Game Materials on personal web pages and blogs, video sharing sites, and social networking services. However, streaming of videos and live streams is restricted to video sharing sites (e.g. “YouTube, “Twitch”) provided that such sites have been licensed by the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) for the use of music.

*Use under a corporate body name is not permitted.
*Please refrain from use on the types of sites and services listed below:

  • Sites or services that require payment to view.
  • Sites or services that are only aimed at users aged 18 or over.
  • Sites or services that operate illegally or infringe standards of public moral decency.
  • Sites or services that are related to religious, political or antisocial activities 
  • Commercial use is not permitted.
    However, systems that provide revenue to users posting content which are officially provided by video streaming sites (e.g. “YouTube”, “Twitch”) provided that such sites have been licensed for music usage by the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) can be used.

[Legal Notices]

Please display the legal lines below in any posts or live streams featuring the Game Materials:


The required legal lines above may be displayed automatically if images or videos are captured using game console functions. If such images or videos are to be used as they are, then the legal lines do not need to be added manually.

> Please do not remove or modify the trademark and copyright notices of the Game Materials.
> Exceptions are made for platforms such as “X” where space to display text is limited, and the legal lines do not need to be displayed in these cases.
> If multiple images or videos are included on the same page, then one set of legal lines can be displayed to cover all content on that page, rather than individually for each image or video.

[Usage Guidelines and Restrictions]

  • If you are streaming scenes that form major plot points in the Game’s story, please make sure to display a “spoiler alert” notice to prevent ruining the experience for people who have not played that scene yet.
  • The below-listed uses of Content are forbidden. Any Content of this nature may, under the discretion of Square Enix, be deleted or charged with usage fees using the platform’s revenue system. Examples of forbidden Content:

> Content that is mostly or entirely taken from Game cutscenes (including event scenes).
> Publishing multiple still images from cutscenes consecutively, for the sole purpose of showing the content of said cutscenes.
> Content posted or streamed with the main aim of listening to Game music

  • Content posted or streamed with the main aim of listening to Game music include those that allow continuous listening to music data of the Game through actions not in line with regular gameplay, such as showing a still image background, making the player character stand still, encouraging viewers to listen to the music by adjusting the volume of voices and sound effects or continuously repeating a simple action.
  • You are responsible for following these Guidelines when livestreaming and/or posting Content that incorporates the Game Materials.
  • Please do not combine the Game Materials with other content originating outside of the Game.
  • Please refrain from secondary use of Content that has already been published.
    e.g. Collecting already published Content and distributing it through a different medium, such as a booklet. Such activities are considered as secondary use, regardless of whether the content is provided for free or charged for.
  • Please do not use for any Game Materials to advertise other products or services etc.
  • Please adhere to the terms of use required by the platform that the Content will be used on.
  • Please do not take part in acts involving the Game Materials that may lead to slander or libel towards others.
  • Please do not use the Game Materials for any purposes that are illegal or run contrary to standards of public moral decency.
  • Please do not use the Game Materials in relation to any religious, political or antisocial activities.
  • If Square Enix requests for Content to be taken down for whatever reason, please comply and take it down without delay. Square Enix may also delete any Content that it judges to be inappropriate.
  • Please do not overly process or modify the Game Materials.
  • It is permitted to create Content by combining multiple different sections of the Game Materials or adding your own voiceover showcasing or commentating on the Game.
  • Posting Content before the official release date of the Game is forbidden.
  • Only the Game Materials that Square Enix has officially announced or published may be used before the official release date of the Game.


  • Square Enix makes no guarantees concerning the Game Materials, including that the Game Materials will not infringe third party rights. Square Enix will not compensate you or any third party for any damages or injuries that arise as a result of use of the Game Materials.
  • Square Enix cannot bear any responsibility for users’ behaviour, including usage of the Game Materials not infringing on the rights of third parties. Users make use of the Game Materials.
  • Square Enix reserves the right to update the contents of these guidelines at any time, at Square Enix’s discretion. If Content that is posted before these guidelines had been updated do not meet the terms of the new guidelines after the update, the affected Content may be deleted.