Forgotton Anne is coming to Nintendo Switch in just one week!

Por ObvItsAmy

It’s not often we get to announce the launch of a game has been brought forward, but today we are pleased to confirm that the critically acclaimed Forgotton Anne is coming Nintendo Switch in just a week’s time, on November 9th!

Imagine a place where everything that is lost and forgotten goes; old toys, letters, single socks. The Forgotten Lands is a magical world inhabited by Forgotlings; creatures composed of mislaid objects longing to be remembered again. You are playing as Anne, and your job is to guide her through her quest to return home.

Alongside our announcement today we have a brand new accolades trailer for you to enjoy!  We also previously put a blog post together which went into more detail about the story and world of Forgotton Anne, check it out here

We will see you back here on November 9th!

