What Does Final Fantasy VII Mean to You?

We’re celebrating 25 years of Final Fantasy VII - and we want you to join us! Here’s how you can join the party and share your love of this amazing game!
Di Teague Emery

On its release way back in 1997, Final Fantasy VII immediately connected with audiences. The RPG inspired a generation of fans - and that fanbase continues to grow today!

This year is the 25th anniversary of the game, and we want to celebrate it alongside that amazing community! We’re planning to create an official tribute to commemorate this important milestone, and we want it to feature the people that made it possible: you!

Here’s how you can get involved:


We’d love to see video that discusses what Final Fantasy VII means to you, the characters or themes that resonate, or ways that Final Fantasy VII has been present in your life over the past 25 years.

Did the original game change your perception of storytelling in video games? Have you started your journey at Final Fantasy VII Remake? Is there a character that you relate to, or themes that stick with you? Or perhaps Final Fantasy VII is with you forever as part of a tattoo… or even your wedding day?

We know how passionate you are about this game, and we want to hear your stories firsthand!

We’d love for you to submit a short video of you discussing all or any of the above, to the Final Fantasy VII social channels, by tagging us on @FinalFantasyVII and using #WhatFFVIIMeansToMe.

Videos should ideally be under 30s and can be filmed however is easiest for you.

What Should My Video Include?

As mentioned, the tribute will discuss what Final Fantasy VII means to fans (hence the hashtag), but as to what you should talk about specifically… that’s up to you!

We’d love videos of you talking about your feelings on Final Fantasy VII, showcasing your collections, tattoos, artwork, or FFVII birthdays… but if you have something else to talk about or show us, we’d love to see it!

Stuck for something to discuss? Here are a few thought starters:

  • Sum up why you love FFVII in one sentence or 4 words
  • What are your memories of playing the original FFVII?
  • Three words to describe FFVII Remake?
  • Who is your favourite character, and tell us why in one sentence?
  • Why does FFVII and its themes still resonate 25 years on?

How do I submit my video?

Simply share your video on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and tag us using @FinalFantasyVII and include #WhatFFVIIMeansToMe.

Seriously - don’t forget the hashtag!

We’re @FinalFantasyVII on all platforms.
