Forgotton Anne Available Now for Nintendo Switch!

Por ObvItsAmy

Forgotton Anne has now officially launched for Nintendo Switch and for one week you can pick it up with 10% off! We'd love for you to use Nintendo Switch photo capture and share your favourite moments with using the #ForgottonAnneSwitch hashtag on your social channels.

We recently announced the game with a brand new accolades trailer, if you missed this you can watch it below

What is Forgotton Anne?

Delve into the fantastical world of Forgotton Anne, a seamless cinematic adventure platformer, which takes you to a magical place in which everyday objects once loved and cherished come to life. You play as Anne, as she investigates a rebellion against Master Bonku’s rule over the Forgotten Lands. Anne and Master Bonku are the only humans in this realm, trying to unify the Forgotlings in an attempt to bridge the gap between the worlds and return to the human world.

What is the gameplay of Forgotton Anne?

Forgotton Anne is a seamless cinematic adventure featuring cutscenes that blend beautifully into the gameplay. It places a strong focus on storytelling alongside a touch of puzzle platforming.

The Forgotlings are charming everyday objects brought to life and bursting with personality! But choose your words and actions carefully as these can alter your tale…

Key Features

  • Discover a beautifully realised world of wonder filled with Forgotlings - charming everyday objects brought to life, bursting with personality.
  • Uncover the truth behind the harrowing conflict taking place between an impassioned ruler and ruthless rebellion.
  • Harness the power of Anima, the energy that brings life to the Forgotten Lands. Use it to solve puzzles and command ultimate control over Forgotlings’ lives.
  • Choose carefully. Your words and actions can alter the tale being told thanks to a branching dialogue system that places the power in your hands.
  • Run, leap, and soar as you strive to guide Anne home, unlocking areas and abilities along the way.
  • Enjoy hand-animated visuals created using the same traditional techniques that brought your favourite animated movies to life.
  • Immerse yourself in a soaring orchestral score performed by the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra.

Can I play Forgotton Anne on other consoles?

Yes you can! The game launched on Steam, PS4 and Xbox One back in May this year, here are some handy store links:



Xbox One

The Forgotlings await your arrival!
