FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster coming to Europe

By Square Enix Team

UPDATED: Now with the trailer embedded!

I'm delighted to announce that FINAL FANTASY X and FINAL FANTASY X-2 will both be getting the high definition treatment - being released in Europe this year!


For those of you who love to lounge around at home with your PlayStation 3 and a big telly, you’ll get both FINAL FANTASY X and X-2 bundled together on one disc, called FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. If however you find yourself always on the go, trying to sneak in a quick gaming session during your lunch break, then FINAL FANTASY X HD Remaster and FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster will be available separately for PS VITA.

Final Fantasy fans will be excited to know that they’re not just getting a mind-blowingly beautifully HD version of the game they love, oh no! Both games are based on the International version, which is the most complete, feature-heavy iteration of each game to release. The International version of FINAL FANTASY X-2 never made it to European shores before, so there’s quite a chunk of additional content for you to dive into! 



The International version of FINAL FANTASY X introduces an Expert version of the Sphere Grid in which all the characters start in the middle and you can choose any path… but there are fewer nodes and therefore a decrease in the number of upgrades available – challenging indeed! This edition also includes new abilities, new superbosses (Dark Aeons and Penance), and more.

FINAL FANTASY X-2 is also getting the International treatment, high definition graphics and more content than I can list! But you’ll have to wait a little bit longer until we reveal the full list of enhancements and extra features. 



So all in all that’s pretty great stuff, huh? We know you’ve been eager to hear more so let me leave you with the exciting news that you’ll be getting a trailer on March 25 – make sure to pop back here then!

Got any questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments and we’ll answer what we can. For the latest news on FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.

